Ekrem Imamoglu, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Visited ICI October Assembly Meeting

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Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) October ordinary Assembly meeting was held on 23 October 2019 in Odakule Fazıl Zobu Assembly Hall with the main agenda of “The Role and Importance of Our Industry in Development and Future Vision of Istanbul, the Brand City”. Ekrem Imamoglu, the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor appeared as the guest in the meeting which was directed by Zeynep Bodur Okyay, the Chairperson of ICI Assembly.

İSO Başkanı Erdal Bahçıvan
ICI President Erdal Bahçıvan

Drawing attention that there should not be any separation between industry and manufacture in Istanbul which has a vital role in Turkish economy, Erdal Bahçıvan, Istanbul Chamber of Industry Board of Directors President said that: “We don’t adopt an understanding such as keeping the industry in the same way at all and never letting it undergo any change in Istanbul. Interest of Istanbul and that of our industry should be discussed together by taking into consideration the environment and manufacturing balance. Strengthening Istanbul’s industry to meet the targets of 2023 Industry and Technology Strategy should be the fundamental approach.” in his speech which he made on the main agenda of the Assembly meeting.

And he continued: “All industry firms in Istanbul where constructions are old and high-rise should undergo check-up. An inventory research to put forwards the earthquake resistance statuses of industry facilities of the city is of urgent need. To us, the insurance facility should be used as an important self-control tool in this sense.”

İBB Başkanı Ekrem İmamoğlu
Ekrem Imamoglu, Istanbul
Metropolitan Municipality Mayor

Ekrem Imamoglu, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor said in this speech which he made in ICI Assembly that: “You are better aware of the results of the construction, leading the economic growth of Türkiye, especially Istanbul. I am saying this based on my background in the construction sector. Economies which do not realize a strong manufacture in the industry cannot have sustainability. We are in need of mobilization in manufacturing field like in other fields. I would like to share with you, our industrialists that we are ready to take any actions we are supposed to do in this sense.”

İSO Meclis Başkanı Zeynep Bodur Okyay
ICI Assembly Chairperson
Zeynep Bodur Okyay

ICI August ordinary Assembly meeting was opened by ICI Assembly President Zeynep Bodur Okyay. While launching the meeting, Okyay briefly mentioned that:

“As we have already known, Istanbul is one of the leading key cities in meeting the global claims of Türkiye. I attach crucial importance to the last Global Strong Cities Index published because thanks to it, we have opportunity to compare Istanbul with the other cities suitable to our calibration such as London, New York, Tokyo and Barcelona. When the report has been taken into consideration, Istanbul ranked as 34th among the strongest 44 cities of the world. I think our current status in the list is a reflection of our extraordinary developments and fatigue brought together with the fast growth. Accessibility and cultural interaction are the fields where Istanbul is better compared to the average. We ranked as 13th in accessibility and 7th in cultural interaction thanks to THY, flag carrier. We ranked as 32nd in economy, 34th in R&D and 40th in environmental issues. Such ranks are not acceptable for Istanbul. Everyone who feels Istanbul knows that our potential is much higher.

Istanbul is a global industrial city as much as it is an ancient cultural city. Industry is the leading distinctive marks of this city. What Istanbul means without Sultanahmet, Hagia Sophia, Galata Tower and Bosporus equals to Istanbul without industry. We should think and realize the steps to be taken collectively for the growth of this city representing the 32 percent of national income and 29 percent of industry manufacture at peace with industry. Cities which are the new engine of global growth produce 80 percent of the world income. Smart growth on the usage of limited resources such as prevention of costs caused by irregular growth of cities, swift increasing city population, traffic chaos, energy, water, accommodation opportunities is very obvious. I believe that private sector and industry have an important role in the smart growth based on manufacturing. As Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we are ready to undertake responsibility in each field from manufacturing mobilization, comprehensive growth to moderation of city economy and earth preparation works with the help of our knowledge, good manners and experience.”

Then, Okyay invited Erdal Bahçıvan, ICI Board of Directors Chairperson to the rostrum to make his speech about the main agenda item. Bahçıvan stated assets and values sacrificed while people are accumulating in the cities should be taken into consideration. Bahçıvan said that numerous cities which have already reached to the limits of the quantitative growth are in need of less pollution, increasing resource efficiency and being more sensitive towards the environment. Drawing attention that local development should be realized in a healthy way so that the country itself can develop in a healthy way, Bahçıvan expressed that they think the starting to attach importance to human based sustainable green development understanding by not only central administrative but also local managements is a pleasing improvement for existing and next generations.

Pointing out that the industry will have an important role in a successful local improvement in the future just as it did in the past, Bahçıvan stated that irregular development understanding excluded by the manufacture and industry at the end of 20th century hit the headlines of the last 30 years. Touching upon that the manufacture of today’s world has been sacrified to the consumption economy and construction rent, Bahçıvan told that they experienced the most tangible sample of it in Istanbul. Telling that various local municipalities are creating a large rent by increasing the number of value of residential places instead of increasing the value and power of industry, Bahçıvan said that: “Having residential areas for more than 1 million in Istanbul is a shame for all of us.”

Drawing attention that they do not have an understanding such as keeping the industry same in Istanbul or never letting it undergo any change, Bahçıvan said that the requirements and dynamics of the era will not let this situation. Bahçıvan drew attention that they support an industry infrastructure based on knowledge and technology like they put forward in Board of Directors Work Schedule for the Period of 2018-2022 of ICI, starting from this new manufacturing understanding which has started to gain importance.

Underlying that the development of manufacturing technologies, products of high added value and environment-friendly manufacturing understanding gained importance instead of competition understanding based on cheap labor force and natural resources starting from globalization process and information society, Bahçıvan underlined that strengthening the industry of Istanbul should be the most fundamental planning approach if they are decisive about meeting the targets specified with 2023 Industry and Technology Strategy drawn by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

Bahçıvan touched on the issue of earthquake resistance of industry facilities in Istanbul. Bahçıvan continued his words as:

We are in need of an inventory research urgently to put forwards the earthquake resistance statuses of the industry facilities in Istanbul above all. The first steps were taken in the meeting which we realized with Ali Yerlikaya, our Istanbul Governor in the last days. During the next days, our Ministry of Industry and Technology will begin a work to create such inventory within a short time with the contribution of Istanbul Governance, our Chamber and other related institutions. While drawing this inventory, making the earthquake resistance tests based on a standard is of great importance. To us, the insurance facility should be used as an important self-control tool in this sense.”

Ekrem Imamoglu, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor took the rostrum after Bahçıvan, ICI President. Stating that as a governor who have to provide solutions on such issues by prevailing on all problems of the city, he has adopted a governing understanding based on a philosophy to provide solution by consulting to all stakeholders, Imamoglu expressed that Istanbul is the biggest city of Europe and Türkiye maintains its existence and activities in each field. Telling that he is seeing himself as the moderator of Istanbul recorded that they are intended to produce business collectively not giving instructions. Imamoglu expressed that talking about the economy and industry of this city is an irreplaceable principle for themselves.

Explaining that they have adopted the method of creating common tables, Imamoglu told that they drew a tourism master plan for the city at the tourism table which they established as a sample and they discussed the problems of different believes at the believe table. Touching that they are aware of how much Türkiye has been away from manufacturing, Imamoglu told that they established Istanbul Investment and Publicity Agency. Imamoglu stated that their aim here is to provide guidance for the capital brought to the city to be matched with the rightest investment. Informing that Istanbul Statistics Office will start to work in December, Imamoglu pointed out that there are problems in accessing to healthy and reliable data. Imamoglu recorded that specifying a vision without data is not possible and their aim is to support for economical actors to improve their works.

Stating that they have taken steps to obtain the food need of Istanbul out of its own periphery and ensure coordination among the manufacturing fields, Imamoglu said that they wish to motivate rural areas. Imamoglu told that they will contribute to both economy and food safety by moving the food into the city by prevailing the process from the place where the manufacturing has been carried out.

Pointing out that ISMEK has transformed into a training institution on hobbies mostly, Imamoglu provided the information that Istanbul City Institute which they will establish soon will transform into a center providing trainings for the needs of the industry. Imamoglu touched upon the matter that they will establish a system following the universal professional changes with Istanbul Global City Academia.

Drawing attention that the bus terminal in Esenler cannot provide a healthy service for a long time and turned into a place which will be a bad example for the people in the region with high population, Imamoglu expressed that they discussed the Bus Terminal management and it has transformed into a place contributing to the economy of Istanbul. Imamoglu said that they want to transform both Bus Terminal and Harem Terminal into a technology or start up center.

Underlying that they cannot look through the future without possessing a future vision, Imamoglu expressed that they started their works for creating a 2050 vision following 5-year-strategic plan. Stating that they have conducted this work with the participation of the people in city, Imamoglu underlined that they aim to create a green, creative and fair city. Drawing attention to the importance for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality affiliates to be accountable institutions, Imamoglu stated that they will establish controllable mechanisms and said that: “Everyone will be sure that Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality belongs to you.”

Expressing that they attach vital importance for the social needs of the city, Imamoglu said that mega projects were focused for the cities in the past; however, it will not change the human life, thus, the service provided for the human should be prioritized. Imamoglu said that: “We care about children. We are intended to equalize children. We want children living in each district to be equal individuals in terms of their fundamental needs. We have started our “Our Nursery Center Istanbul” project in 11 spots. We will materialize 150 nursery centers within 1 year with the you cooperation. We are providing a glass of milk for 100 thousands of children who do not have milk in their houses in this city.”

Underlying that the earthquake issue is the most significant issue of the city, Imamoglu underlined that our country did not make their best in 20 years following the 1999 earthquake, and he will not ignore this issue. Stating that any solution cannot be brought without approaching this issue as a national problem and confronting with it, Imamoglu said that: “Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is the most leading actor of this country in this sense. Measures to be taken by this institution are of great importance. We will ensure this city to confront with data. We are creating an earthquake council. We are holding a major earthquake workshop. We will define the precautions to be taken by Istanbul and the processes regarding the disaster. We should spend our all days by producing solution for earthquake. Istanbul dresses every wound but dressing the wound of Istanbul will not be easy. We will separate an earthquake budget for approximately 1 billion TRY in the budget of the following year. We will use urban transformation not as a transformation of rent, but for people to have safe structures.”

ICI Assembly Members taking the rostrum following the speech of Imamoglu shared their opinions and asked questions to Imamoglu. Imamoglu took the rostrum once again and replied the questions of ICI Assembly Members.